
About Us

„Back to the nature”
(Jean-Jacques Rousseau)


The young and ambitious expert team of Interherb Ltd. combines state-of-the-art novelties of modern technology with traditional healing methods. During our innovative work – besides the novel ideas – we also focus on active agents that have been used for an extended period of time in traditional medicine and phytotherapy, and the physiological effects of which were proven by scientific literature data and human clinical trials.

Our mission is to develop, manufacture and distribute premium quality products supporting our health, as well as to help maintaining a healthy way of life.

Interherb Ltd. has a solid presence on the Hungarian and international market during the past decades. Thanks to our continuous work in the field of research and development we managed to create a very wide product portfolio.

Our dietary supplements, natural cosmetics and reform food respond to all needs completely and they follow current dietetic trends. Our products have been designed in order that everyone – from the youngest to the elderly - would find the one that is best for them, whether vitamins, dietary supplements supporting slimming diets or reform foods are needed.  

Our medicinal products completely fulfil everyday needs of people of our time. We offer a wide spectrum of high quality products to avoid or alleviate different problems resulting from stressful life, to treat sports injuries, relieve rheumatic pain, varicosity-associated problems or inflammations of the gum and the oral cavity.

We are only distributing product which have been approved by OGYÉI (National Institute of Pharmacy and Nutrition).